If you have recently travelled to a different location, Feeld may show you profiles that don't match your location and search radius in Discover
If this happens to you, there are a few things you can try:
On the app, go to Settings > Search Settings > Feeld Core Location and check if you've chosen a Feeld Core. If you have, choose Current Location and tap the back arrow.
Force close and re-open the Feeld app.
Log out from Feeld (Settings > App Settings > Log out) and log back in.
Force close Feeld, go to your device Settings > Feeld > Location, set the permissions to While Using the App and reopen the Feeld app.
Reinstall the Feeld app. You won't lose your profile, Connections or any data. Restart your device and reopen the Feeld app.
On the app, go to Settings > Search Settings > Feeld Core Location and check if you've chosen a Feeld Core. If you have, choose Current Location and tap the back arrow.
Force close and re-open the Feeld app.
Log out from Feeld (Settings > App Settings > Log out) and log back in.
Force close Feeld, go to your device Settings > Location (or Security & location > Location) > App permission (or App level permissions) > Feeld, set the permissions to Allow all the time or Allow only while using the app and reopen the Feeld app.
Reinstall the Feeld app. You won't lose your profile, Connections or any data. Restart your device and reopen the Feeld app.
If you don't live in a big city, you may see the name of a nearby city on your profile information in the Settings screen. This doesn't mean that your location is wrong, but we may not have your city in our database yet. You should, however, see people that match your location and search radius in Discover.
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