Choosing pictures for your profile is one of the most important parts of creating your Feeld profile. Images create the first impression other Members have of you, so being thoughtful (and following a few strict Feeld rules) will give you the best chance at authentic Connections.
This article outlines the dos and don’ts of curating a standout gallery in Feeld.
The Quick Guide
Here are the bullet points on what’s prohibited and what we recommend for an eye-catching gallery. Check out the In-depth Guide for explanations of each item (in the same numbered order) found in the Quick Guide.
Important: Uploading prohibited content may result in a temporary or permanent ban from Feeld.
These image gallery rules must be followed at all times:
No nudity, lingerie, briefs or jocks, close-ups of bulges, breasts, butts, or other sexualised body parts, even if they're covered.
You can share more saucy photos with your Connections through messages, but only after you've received enthusiastic consent. Don't start a conversation with a nude!
No photos of other people that you're not in, including celebrities or politicians.
Photos of you with other adults are ok if those people consent to you using the image.
No images of kids.
No photos, images, cartoons, illustrations, or other artwork of sex acts, real or simulated.
No photos of guns, weapons or illegal drugs.
No self-harm, bodily fluids, violence against other humans or animals, or any images, symbols or statements that are racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic or in any way bigoted, offensive and/or discriminatory.
No solicitation, advertisement, or promotion of any kind.
Nothing illegal or questionable.
Note: This is not a comprehensive list of content that we don't allow, and we reserve the right to take down other photos that we consider inappropriate or forbidden.
Recommendations to maximize your gallery impact
Based on research and data, we recommend following these guidelines to increase the number and quality of your Connections:
Show your face (if you feel comfortable doing so).
Use recent photos.
Avoid mirror selfies.
Avoid group shots.
Avoid shirtless photos.
Show yourself doing activities you enjoy.
Confidence is sexy.
Use high-quality photos, taken with good light.
Upload more than 3 photos.
- Let someone else choose your profile photos (if you feel comfortable doing so).
The In-depth Guide
This section outlines the same points as The Quick Guide. But here we’ll go into the details of each point so you can learn why these rules and recommendations exist.
What’s Prohibited and Why
Feeld is a sex-positive app and we want our community to explore their sexuality safely and openly. But, we’re also constrained by certain laws and rules that limit the type of images that can be shared publicly on apps like ours.
We also have a duty of care for our community. Some of our rules may be more (or less) restrictive than other apps because they make sense for our Members.
Here is a list of images we don’t allow, either because we can’t or because we don’t want to.
Strictly no nudity, lingerie, briefs or jocks, close-ups of bulges, breasts, butts, or other sexualized body parts, even if they're covered. The App Store and Google Play Store do not tolerate nudity, highly sexualized images, or images that objectify a part of the human body. While we never want to restrict your expression, we need to abide by their rules if we want to continue offering our app to the community.
We can't allow strategically angled or cropped nudes, or photos where you're visibly naked either, even if your genitals, buttocks or breasts aren't exposed. Applying filters to forbidden photos to bypass our detection tools will also get your account banned.
You can share more saucy photos with your Connections through messages, but only when you receive enthusiastic consent. Don't start a conversation with a nude!
No photos of people who aren’t you, including celebrities or politicians. Pretending you're someone else (catfishing) is strictly prohibited and will get you permanently banned from Feeld. If you upload a photo of yourself with others, like your partner(s) or friends, be sure to get their consent first.
No photos of kids, even if you're in the photo with them. You may love your kids, and want other people to know what an enthusiastic parent you are, but you can mention this in your 'About'. We're a pioneering sex app for consenting adults, which makes us great for a lot of things, but not for sharing family photos.
No photos, images, cartoons, illustrations or other artwork of sex acts, real or simulated. If you're posing next to a classical sculpture or famous painting, and the artwork is not the focus of the photo, that's acceptable. Unfortunately, sex toys, fetish gear and ropes and rope play aren't allowed.
No photos of guns, weapons or illegal drugs. Feeld is a safe space, and guns and illegal drugs are not welcome here, as they may make some of our members feel uncomfortable.
No self-harm, blood (or other bodily fluids), violence against other humans or animals, or any images, symbols or statements that are racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic or in any way bigoted, offensive and/or discriminatory.
No solicitation, advertisement, or promotion of any kind. We're not able to host any kind of promotional material on Feeld. This includes advertising any business or event on the platform (including sites like OnlyFans). The only exception to this rule are official partners of Feeld.
- Nothing illegal or questionable. For many obvious reasons, images of you doing anything illegal or questionable are prohibited in Feeld.
Note: This is not an exhaustive list of what we don't allow, and we reserve the right to take down other photos that we consider inappropriate. Please note that uploading prohibited content may result in a temporary or permanent block from Feeld.
Recommendations for an Impactful Gallery
Based on data and research, these recommendations are proven to increase the appeal of your image gallery.
Show your face, if you're comfortable doing so. We understand that not all our members are comfortable revealing their identity for personal or work reasons, but sharing a clear photo of your face with your eyes visible will make you look more trustworthy, and may help you attract more Connections. Mix it up with at least one full body photo of yourself for best results.
Upload recent photos of yourself. You may think that your college photos are sexier than more recent ones, but they probably don't reflect the life experiences that make you more interesting. Confidence, experience and wisdom are sexy, and presenting the current version of yourself will result in more authentic connections. Moreover, if your profile pictures seem a bit too different to the in-person you, this can cause confusion and mistrust — not a good start to any date!
Don't use mirror selfies. People are less likely to like your profile if your main photo is a mirror selfie (and even less likely if you ONLY upload mirror selfies). Studies have found that when people upload selfies to social network profiles, others may regard them as less trustworthy, less socially attractive, less open to new experiences, and more narcissistic than people with other kinds of pictures.
Study: Beware of Selfies: The Impact of Photo Type on Impression Formation Based on Social Networking Profiles
Avoid group shots. Why make others guess who you are in a group photo, when you can use this prime location to showcase you and you alone? If the people in the photos are partners or friends you play with, this may not apply, but make sure everyone in the photo has consented to appearing on your profile.
Avoid uploading shirtless photos. Particularly if you're a man: it's been scientifically proven that men get 25% less attention when they upload shirtless photos of themselves to dating apps. Other Feeld members may be interested in seeing your style, and they may think you're immature if you're topless in all your profile photos.
Faceless, shirtless torsos are a no-no. People don't tend to feel attracted to headless torsos. If you're compelled to upload a topless photo of yourself, at least show your face. On top of these pictures not being very effective, we're bound by App Store and Google Play Store guidelines in some awkward and nuanced ways. The best way to show your body off is by uploading pictures of yourself doing sports or outdoor activities.
Show the activities you enjoy doing. Give others a good look at the things that make you smile in your spare time. Your hobbies can be a great icebreaker, and it's a good way to meet people to share those activities with. If you don't want to show your face, this is a good way of giving insight into your personality and interests.
But be creative: gym selfies or holiday pictures won't necessarily help you stand out, and having a drink in your hand may even lower your chances. These images can be a bit generic, and other Members may have seen many photos like them before.
Confidence in yourself is sexy. Attractiveness is more than just how you look. The best profiles showcase a sparkling personality by not taking themselves too seriously. Show other members what makes your life fun and exciting. Share photos that make you feel good about yourself. Give people good excuses to ask about who you are. You can build trust with other Feeld members even before you connect with them by presenting yourself in an open, welcoming way.
Use high-quality photos, taken with good light. Pro-tip: high-quality photos of yourself taken during the "Golden Hour" (just after sunrise, or right before sunset) will let you take advantage of the warm color of the low sun, enhance the colors of the photo, and make you look better. Photographers and cinematographers swear by the Golden Hour as the time of the day with the best light, and for good reason!
Profiles with more than 3 photos get more Likes. A little obvious, maybe, but more is more on Feeld.
- Let someone else choose your profile photos, if you feel comfortable doing so. Your face is familiar to you, and you might miss flattering details of yourself in some photos that other people may find very attractive.
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