If you're disappointed with Majestic Membership, Pings, or Uplift, please contact us. We'd love a chance to improve your experience.
However, if you feel strongly that you deserve a refund, read on for resources that show you how to request this.
Note: All purchases are managed by the App Store and Google Play. Our Support Team has limited access to your subscription and billing information.
Requesting a refund won't cancel a recurring Majestic Membership subscription.
See how to cancel your Majestic Membership.
Only the app stores can issue refunds for their apps, including Feeld.
Refunds CANNOT be offered for:
- Partially used, unused or accidental purchases.
- The grounds of disliking the app or the service provided.
- Periods where members are unable to access the app because their account has been banned for a valid reason.
Request a Refund
Check out this Apple article to learn how to request a refund from the iOS App Store:
Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple
Check out this Google article to learn about requesting a refund from the Google Play Store:
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