As a Majestic Member, Feeld offers you advanced tools to refine your search for high-quality Connections. This guide walks you through filtering and sorting the Likes you've received, helping you connect with people who meet your preferences.
Filtering and sorting Likes is only available to Majestic Members.
- If your Majestic Membership lapses or is cancelled, any active filters will be removed.
- If you receive a Like notification but don't see the profile in 'Who Likes Me', it may be because the Member doesn't match your applied filters. You'll need to remove or adjust your filters to see them.
Sort Likes (and Pings) You've Received
In Who Likes Me, tap the sort button (up and down arrow icon) to choose how your Likes or Pings are sorted.
You have three sorting options:
Most recent (default):
Sort profiles by when they Liked or Pinged you, starting with the most recent.
Last seen:
Sorts profiles by when they were last active, showing the most recently active Members at the top.
Closest to me:
Sorts profiles by proximity to you, displaying the closest Members first.
Choose one option and tap Apply.
Filter Likes You've Received
In Who Likes Me, tap a filter group to open the filters panel, then side-scroll through the filter groups as needed.
In this panel, there are 4 filter groups. You can select as many filter values as you want in each group (except age, which is a single range). The filter groups are:
- Profiles with at least one matching tag will be shown.
- Profiles with at least one matching tag will be shown.
- Filter by gender and relationship gender combinations (e.g., Man, or Man + Man couple).
- Filter by gender and relationship gender combinations (e.g., Man, or Man + Man couple).
- Profiles with at least one matching sexuality will be shown.
- Profiles with at least one matching sexuality will be shown.
Match your age preference:
- When enabled, only profiles that match the age range set in your Discover search settings will be shown.
- To adjust the age range, tap More filters in the filters panel, then tap the Settings link. Changing this will also change the setting for profiles shown in Discover.
When you’re done, tap Apply to see the profiles that match your criteria.
Remove Filters
To remove a filter value, tap the filter group to open it in the filters panel, then tap individual values to remove them, or tap Reset to remove all filters in that group.
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