To protect our Members' data, we terminate inactive accounts and delete all related data 1 year after the account was last accessed. Data is deleted in line with our Privacy Policy.
Your account data is kept in accordance with our Privacy Policy until you terminate your account or it has been inactive for 1 year.
When is data deleted?
These are the scenarios and timelines for data deletion at Feeld.
You request for your data to be deleted:
You can contact Feeld Support and request to have your data deleted at any time (active or not). We’ll delete your data within 30 days and email you when it’s complete.
You terminate your account:
Your data will be deleted within 90 days.
You pause your account:
We’ll keep your account data for 1 year. If you don’t reactivate it within that year, your account and data will be deleted.
Your account is banned for breaching our Community Guidelines:
Your account will be considered inactive and your data will be deleted after 1 year.
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